3000 Rural Street, Rockford IL 61107
Is more than granting monetary aid for post secondary education. It is a ministry that serves God. We are investing in the spiritual and academic growth of our youth. Having a core belief in God with guidance in education will equip our youth to further their future endeavors with confidence. We strongly encourage our Allen Chapel youth to begin planning their future today.
There's nothing better than having choices. Choosing what shoes to wear or what outfit to buy is nice when you have a choice. If you only had one pair of shoes or one outfit, the choice has been made by default. That is not fun. Being able to decide on which path YOU want to take, or which career YOU would like to have starts in middle school. Education is a continuous journey that moves YOU to the next level. No one is saying you have to choose a career at 12 years old, but what YOU learn in the 6th,7th and 8th grades does. Preparing for the future YOU want starts with YOU. Only YOU can make the choice to do your homework, to read and study. Getting good grades allow YOU to choose the path that works for YOU. Whether a 2 or 4 year college, trade school or military, planning with good grades helps YOU to stay in control.
When you are at a large mall like Woodfield or Mall of America, and need directions, you look for a map directory. The directory shows an arrow to where you are in the mall. From there you can map out where you would like to go.
Seniors ,“YOU ARE HERE.”From kindergarten to 12th grade, you have studied, prepared and mapped out your future, Right? Now the big payday is here; GRADUATION. What is next? A lot of seniors are clueless to what they will do after high school and that is ok. But if you have prepared in the past with the right classes and requirements to move on to college, that is great! Accept your diploma and applauses and then keep it moving! But if high school was a struggle or you are just tired of being tired of school, please explore the many possibilities of trade schools, military and jobs that suit YOU. Because You have to keep it moving as well.
This outline is for Allen Chapel's students graduating from high school with the intent to pursue higher learning and participating in the Allen Chapel Scholarship Ministry. Please consult with your school guidance counselor for graduation requirements.
Research different colleges for admission requirements .
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Roman 12:2 KJV