3000 Rural Street, Rockford IL 61107
Allen Chapel is currently looking for a musician to play for our Sunday Worship Service and teach the Sanctuary Choir, Men's Choir and Children's choir. Only serious inquiries. Please contact Pastor John Halbert at 779-771-9029
Allen Chapel is currently looking for a musician to play for Sunday Services and teach the Sanctuary Choir, Men's Choir and Children's choir. Only serious inquiries. Please contact Pastor John Halbert at 779-771-9029
Rev. Charlene Bulls Mills homegoing celebration will be March 29, 2025. The celebration will be held at: Greater St. Paul AME Church located at 129 N Cherokee St. Florence, Alabama 35630 Visitation from 10:00 am until 11:00 am. The celebration will begin at 11:00am. Those wishing to send cards, flowers, please send to Thompson & Sons Funeral Home at 415 South Poplar St. Florence, Alabama 35630 in care of the Rev. Charlene Bulls Mills Family- Website Infomation https://www.thompsonandsonsfuneralhome.com
He is the second of twelve children to the union of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Halbert. Born in Steens, Mississippi, attended Robert E. Lee Hunts High in Columbus, Mississippi, and graduated from Flint Northern High School in Flint Michigan. 2 He continued his education and graduated from Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, OH with a Bachelor of Art Degree, Major Pre-Theology, and Minor in Business Administration. He received a Master of Divinity from Payne Theology Seminary and was awarded “The Best Preacher Award” and an earned Doctor of Ministry from United Theology Seminary, Dayton, OH. (Implementing A Prayer Ministry) He has served in the pastoral ministry for 36 years. He is married to Mae Halbert for 38 years and has three sons; Nicky, and twins, Sedrick and Reginald, Has served in various compacities: Vice President of the South West Ministerial Alliance of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Board Member of the Berrien County Legal Services Bureau, Inc.,
Niles Branch NAACP President, Board Member of Northside Care Research Center, Program Director for the South Detroit District Conference of the Fourth Episcopal District Church, Substitute Teacher for Muskegon Heights School System, President of the Executive Board for Mission for Area People, 3 Treasurer for Mission for area People, President of the Community Advisory Board for HealthCARE, Director of the Community Advisory Board for HealthCARE, Chairperson for the Indiana Annual Conference Local Ministers of the A.M.E. Church, Board Member of the Indiana Minority Coalition Secretary of the African American Christian Alliance (AACMA), Member of the Board of Examiner 1st Year Studies, Chairperson of the Retirement and Annuity Committee of the 4th Episcopal District AME Church, Vice Chair of the Elgin Community Ministry (ECM), Advisory Board Member of March for Jesus. HOBBIES: Basketball, reading, working with people. Mechanically inclined with special interest in Auto-mechanic. Chess, Computers, and spending time with family.
Our every day church for everyday people welcomes you to our Worship Service on Sundays at 10:30 am. Our Sunday school is on Sundays at 9:00 am. Wednesday's Bible studies at 11:00 am.
On Sunday mornings, in churches throughout the Stateline, people from all ethnic backgrounds can come together for morning worship, a move that was impossible in 1891. That fact prompted a former slave to establish Rockford's first African American church. One hundred and twenty-eight years later, Allen Chapel A.M.E. is still going strong, opening its doors to people from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds.
Sunday School: 9:00am
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30am
Scripture Psalms 119:71 It is good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. To separate to remove to disconnect from something that we have clinged to. Something good can come out of our afflictions. God works things out through our afflections. Ask yourself this question do you Love the Lord your God with all of your heart? Not just when you need something but during all times. Remember the world does not Love The Lord. Everything in the world is temporary. God is eternal. To see and hear this sermon please go to our Facebook page for March 23, 2025
Scripture: Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. Legacy matters from Genesis to Revelations. One thing that you can not do is out source a legacy. Plant your seeds and do the work. Watch this spirit filled sermon on Facebook March 16, 2025
Scripture: Ephesians 6:11-12 Key verse 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. We're on the battlefield for the Lord. You have devine authority over yourself and your mind. Keep your mind focused on God. To see this sermon in it's entirety watch on Facebook March 9, 2025
Scripture: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Speaker of the hour on this Sunday was our Presiding Elder James Miller. The days will be brighter, but how long will we have to wait on the Lord. Is the change coming. Seems like the more we change things stay the same. The joy of salvation will not be in what you buy it's only in the Lord. Jesus said don't worry I'll be with you always & will never leave you. Know Jesus for yourself. Watch this sermon in it's entirety on Facebook March 2, 2025
Scripture: Psalms 78:41-43 Focus on verse 41. Other scriptures mention for this sermon were Romans 12:2 and Jeremiah 29:11 Remember God has a plan for you. When he has a plan for you he'll plan everything the right way for you. Take your limits off of God who can do any and everything. To see this sermon in it's entirety watch on Facebook February 23, 2025
Scripture: Matthew 26:6-12 While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jor of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he reclined at the table. For more information on this sermon watch on Facebook services on February 16, 2025
Scripture: Hebrews 9:1-10 The significant of the presence of God. How do we get into the very presence. Three key elements fellowship, worship and revelation is part of what is needed to get into His presence. Study your bible both old and new testament. For more information please go to our Facebook page for February 9, 2025
Scripture: John 15:1-7 We focused more on verse 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. Whereever the tree grows the vines grow. The vines attached to the tree and holds tight it continues to reach & grow & upward. You must be real. To see this sermon in it's entirety please go to our Facebook page for January 19, 2025
Scripture Matthew 7:18-20
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Fruits are developed by the way you live your life. Live honestly and the fruit will come. Listen to the spirit. To see and hear this sermon please go to our Facebook page for January 12, 2025
Scripture: Psalms 19 can be read in it's entirety. Let your thoughts be sanctified. Take the time to clean up your thoughts before speaking. Everything begins with 2 things (1) Thoughts (2) Words. Your words have a picture of you by what you say. Fine tune yourself with God. Let the words of your mouth be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. God calls us to know his words and keep his convenant. If it doesn't line up with God - Rebuke it and start praying. To see this service please go to our Facebook page for January 5, 2025
Scripture Psalms 103:1-10 Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name! The book of Psalm in this chapter it's one of the most powerful chapters. It reminds you to be thankful in the midst of all situations. To see this sermon in it's entireity please go to our Facebook page December 29, 2024
Scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7
The birth of a child who will be a Wonderful Counselor, Might God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. In this sermon we learn that everything is in God's time and not ours. Christ established on earth a peace that will be global, firmly established, permanent. Please go to our Facebook page to watch this sermon in it's entirety December 22, 2024
Scripture Exodus 12:6-13
The blood has many symbolic meaningss. The atonement the blood that Jesus shed for us. Redemption of the blood of Jesus frees people from sin and death. It also symbolizies the depth and breadth of God's love for sinners. It also is a sign of peace of mind. It allows people to approach God with freedom and love, rather than guilt. For more on this sermon watch our Facebook page in it's entireity December 15, 2024
Scripture: Proverbs:21-1 Pastor Phillip Hodge brought the message on this day. You may watch this sermon on our Facebook page December 8, 2024
Scripture - 2 Peter 3:9-10 God's timing is his own time and not yours. You can never influence God once again it will come in God's time which is always the best time. Remember time is what is needed to make a masterpiece and everything that God creates is the best. Be patient God is never late- wait on the Lord. God doesn't count slackness in man instead he gives you time to get ready for what ever may come your way. Your soul is more valuable to God than anything in the world. Let It Go & pray. You may watch this sermon on our Facebook page. December 1, 2024
Scripture: Psalms 20: 1-2 & 7-8 Trust in the Lord our God with your whole heart. Only God can assure you. Never get it mixed up in whom you will put your trust in. Why do we as christians find it so hard to trust God. We put our trust in the pilot when we fly. We put our trust in the automobiles we drive daily. Trust in God & lean not to your own understanding. Trust God from your past experiences. Keep your connection with God and never become disconnected. Watch this sermon on our Facebook page from Sunday, November 24, 2024
Scripture - Daniel 6:9-10 Our worship must be real, we can't be fake. Our approach must be genuine and reverent to God's respect. We need to be serious about our prayers. We can go to God in many ways if you can't bow on your knees stand. You don't even have to close your eyes, but you must be serious when you pray. Satan is on the attack to discourage his people so that we will not pray or give God the praise. Remember Daniel stood strong and continued to pray despite the King's decree. Remember God is concerned about you. Let Go and Let God - Watch this sermon on our Facebook page for November 17, 2024
Scripture-Daniel 6:6-16 Daniel in the lions den. Theme: God Got It
We're always trying to figure things out on our own. Nothing changes our circumstances or get better when we try do it alone. God already has your answer to whatever is going on in your life he is the solution. We serve a supernatural God who can do anything. Don't force the situation Let Go & Let God figure it out for you. God can work it out if you let him. For the complete message please watch our sermon on our Facebook page for November 10, 2024
Scripture 2 Kings 4:8-17Are you the victim or a servant? What does it mean to be a victim are you subjected to oppression, hardship or mistreatment. Are you the Christian that submits to Jesus as your master and to follow him as your Lord. Watch this sermon on our Facebook page for October 20, 2024
Scripture Jude 1:24-27 These verses remind us how important it is to remain for the benediction of every service. Many people leave before the service is over. Just remember this is a covering for you. It's your protection for days ahead, your future. Please watch the sermon on our Facebook page for October 13, 2024
Scripture: Acts 27:42-44 In life we experience many losses and no matter what the circumstances maybe you'll still have something left. Don't let Satan keep you stressed out on the things that you have loss. For the complete sermon watch on our Facebook page October 1, 2024